4 Reasons, and 1 Super Reason to get an E-reader this year
This Christmas, I got a nice little present from my boss. He gave me his older generation 2 kindle, since he got the kindle 3. Now, I already have a [...]
Merry Christmas From Angry Tech Blog!
Merry Christmas from all of us from Angry Technology! 🙂 Thank you for helping us make this year such a great year! We hope you stick with us as we [...]
CR-48 Pilot is over, but why is the site still up?
Well, the deadline for the Chrome OS CR-48 came and went pretty uneventfully. No major announcements from Google. No apocolypse. And no taking down of the Pilot website… This could very [...]
How To Switch Android Keyboards
Wow, I just had a Facepalm moment. I consider myself a very advanced android user. I rooted my first android phone (the G1) over 2 years ago, and I currently [...]
Android Gingerbread Keyboard Review
This weekend, I had some time to kill, so I installed the new Gingerbread keyboard on my Evo 4G. I spent the whole weekend playing with it, and getting to know it, [...]
Google requests regular chrome users to apply for CR-48 Pilot Program
Well this is just lovely. Today, I opened my chrome browser, and got a little surprise… Screenshot is after the break. Once again Google is teasing me. This message has been [...]